- Features & Benefits (in addition to kV2c features)
- Enhanced power supply to support a variety of AMI technology
- 57-120V auto-ranging power supply for low voltage applications
- Ability to serve 600V applications
- The Revenue Guard option preserves billing integrity when a phase voltage is lost
- Available in switchboard form (Z base)
Features & Benefits:
Highly Accurate Measurement
Measured at +/- 0.2 percent, the Aclara kV2 family of meters provides outstanding accuracy. Combined with the low starting watts, utilities can have confidence in the metered value and measured electricity usage.
Broad Communications Support
The kV2 meter family allows for interchangeability of AMR/AMI modules and covers the broadest range of possible AMI communication technologies including RPMA, RF mesh, cellular, power line and Ethernet. Modules can be added at the Aclara factory, or replaced with another compatible module if the meter is redeployed.
Billing and Smart Applications
Traditional billing continues to be a vital role for today’s solid state meters, but they are also now a critical part of your grid operation. Leveraged strengths and knowledge in distribution automation, volt-var control demand optimization, and distributed generation the Aclara kVA2 line of meters provide the integration and critical information to optimize grid operation solutions.
The kV2c meter family is a versatile metering platform for commercial and industrial applications. The kV2c meter offers easy and powerful functional upgrades with a unique combination of soft switches and option boards for rapidly evolving smart metering space. The kV2c starts as a bi-directional, coincident demand meter with five demand measures, real time pricing, and real time data monitoring.
Soft switches are available to add such functions as TOU, transformer and line loss compensation, power factor, four quadrant measurements, instrument transformer correction, and increased recording channels.
Inventory Management
The kV2c wide range voltage power supply (120V to 480V) combined with the Aclara Fitzall™ feature enables a significant meter inventory reduction while covering all applications. Fitzall is an Aclara exclusive tool for commercial and industrial electronic meter inventory reduction, which allows two meter forms, 9S for transformer rated and 16S for self-contained to meter any service type.
Installation Verification and Tamper Detection
The Aclara Site Genie™ Monitor provides a simple, automatic way to catch errors, tampering and wiring changes before billing problems occur. Site Genie also provides the phasor information and diagnostics needed to fix the problems it finds.
TYPE Device Manufacturer, Platform Developer
WEBSITE aclara.com
COMPANY info@aclara.com