Truck Rolls, the Hidden Variable Cost
Those Sneaky Variable Costs
That is why the longevity that long battery life allows is such a core part of LPWA’s value as the connectivity solution for the IoT.
Moving Beyond the Low Hanging Fruit
To unlock the tens of billions of devices expected to join the IoT, we cannot be limited to only the lowest hanging fruit. As shown by our simple example, longevity is the key to achieving the economies of scale that enable investing in the IoT broadly and deeply throughout the market. When truck rolls are never even a problem, application designers can build an entirely new class of IoT devices. Without longevity, only very high-return applications are worth investing in but with it, a vast field of savings opportunities open up. Only with RPMA’s longevity can we unlock the next great wave of the IoT.
See for yourself why RPMA is the only viable LPWA public network connectivity solution by reading our white paper, How RPMA Works.