Wireless network sunsets are real and disruptive to businesses relying on consistent, persistent wireless connectivity.

Ingenu provides a stable haven for machine connectivity via The Machine Network and its powerful RPMA technology.

The 2G sunsets that are interrupting and unsettling the business models and operations of so many companies are only one part of an overarching pattern. The driving force behind the wireless technology sunsets is that cellular companies want to be as profitable as possible. And that is how it should be. 40% of their costs are leasing the spectrum they use to transmit signal, so it is no wonder then, that they seek to maximize revenue per Hz of spectrum. It’s good business sense. But that isn’t good sense for machines and the kind of exclusivity and priority they need.

Enter Ingenu’s Machine Network.

Ingenu, as any good business, strives to be profitable. And because we exist to bring connectivity exclusively to machines, it is our business to serve their needs first, and solely their needs. Unlike cellular, we have no competing forces, like human consumption, for how we use our technology. Devices and machines always come first on the Machine Network. We have been serving the needs of machines since our inception in 2008. Our entire business revolves around connecting machines with the rich experience and full benefits of security, two-way communication, and priority that they deserve.

The economic forces that compel cellular companies and standards bodies to continually revise, sunset, and remove older generations of cellular technology do not enter the Machine Network’s equation.
The economic forces that compel cellular companies and standards bodies to continually revise, sunset, and remove older generations of cellular technology do not enter the Machine Network’s equation.

In a strange, yet comforting way, the Machine Network, a compilation of many incredible innovations, finds its value in its ability to offer application providers a stable, powerful wireless platform that will last not only for a few years, but for decades with complete backwards compatibility. Bye, bye, network sunsets, hello Ingenu.

To learn more about network sunsets read our white paper, Five Things You Didn’t Know About the 2G Sunset.