RPMAnetworks and Mainland China Telecommunication Co. – the exclusive network licensees for the Ingenu RPMA IoT network technology in China, all of GCC and Malaysia, will cooperate on accelerating new IoT products and services.

BEIJING, CHINA AND DUBAI, UAE – May 2nd, 2017 RPMAnetworks and MCT China are pleased to announce a new partnership aimed at developing and delivering new integrated IoT (Internet of Things) products and services for the global market.

To utilize the unique features of the Ingenu RPMA® (Random Phase Multiple Access) technology and bring new, user-focused, secure and affordable IoT products to market more quickly, the IoT network operators, RPMAnetworks and MCT China have joined forces in the areas of product development, sourcing, manufacturing, network operations and solution deployment.

The combined financial strength of the GCC markets, Dubai’s unique focus on becoming the world’s IoT innovation hub via the Smart Dubai Initiative, China’s national focus on IoT (via its Government Report 2016) and in its role as the world’s manufacturing centre, make the companies uniquely positioned to deliver new and faster IoT products and services to all markets. The new initiative will also further consolidate the Chinese and GCC markets as the world’s fastest growing markets for IoT innovation and adoption.

“It is an honour to work with RPMAnetworks to further demonstrate that IoT is already here and now,” said Mr. Michael Zhou, CEO MCT China.By joining forces, we will focus on how to accelerate the entire IoT industry via a global adoption of standards. The rollout of RPMA in China has already established a proven track record for all aspects of IoT innovation and realization, and we expect to mirror this success in advancing the IoT industry globally”

“This is an exciting time for the UAE and the entire Middle East region as a whole as we adopt the RPMA technology as the foundation for better public safety and security, transportation, buildings, utilities, healthcare and education,” said Fred Wohl, CEO RPMAnetworks. “We look forward to jointly developing new IoT products and services together with MCT China and sharing these with the global IoT community. We believe that by combining forces, we can continue to advance the Internet of Things, and maximize its benefit for users, smart cities, countries and the industry as a whole.”

About RPMA
RPMA, or Random Phase Multiple Access technology is a combination of state-of-the-art technologies designed specifically and exclusively for wireless machine-to-machine communication.

Links / URLs:
For more details about the Smart Dubai Initiative visit: www.smartdubai.ae
For more details about the Chinese Government Report visit: www.china.org.cn/business/2011-06/17/content_22805362.htm and www.gov.cn/guowuyuan/2016-03/05/content_5049372.htm

About MCT China
MCT is the exclusive licensee for RPMA network technology in China. We are focused on building a public IoT network and related ecosystems based on RPMA technologies, across China. Information about MCT China can be found at www.mctiot.com/

About RPMAnetworks
RPMAnetworks is a fast-growing, Dubai-based IoT Network Operator with exclusive licenses for RPMA, a key new communication technology designed for low cost IoT/M2M, for the markets of UAE, Saudi, Malaysia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, and Bahrain. Information about RPMAnetworks can be found at www.rpmanetworks.com/

About Ingenu Inc.
Ingenu™ is building the Machine Network™, the world’s largest IoT network dedicated to LPWA (low-power, wide-area) connectivity for machines. Operating on universal spectrum, the company’s RPMA® technology is a proven standard for connecting Internet of Things (IoT) devices around the world. The Machine Network will have further reach, global range and longer lasting battery life than any existing network. Ingenu is led by a highly experienced team, including veterans from Verizon, T-Mobile, and Qualcomm. Information about Ingenu can be found at staging.ingenu.com, or follow us on Twitter @ingenunetworks.

For Media Contact concerning this Press release, please contact

Mrs Julia Necatu
Marketing Director, RPMAnetworks
Mobile: +971 50 349 2746
Email: julia.necatu@rpmanetworks.com