Utah’s Silicon Slopes Adds IoT Connectivity
Salt Lake City, Provo, and the rest of the cities along the scenic ski slopes of the Wasatch Front in Utah have been dubbed the Silicon Slopes on account of all the booming tech firms nestled in its corner of the Rocky Mountains.
Sensors by their very nature generate data of some sort, which really plays into the strengths the Silicon Slopes have developed. Most of the companies mentioned before have products that center around data analytics, providing a truly natural bridge to the IoT. Domo, Qualtrics, and Omniture each provide business analytics and insights into what the data means. What the IoT brings to bear is data that can be collected from the physical world, which greatly enriches any company’s operations. And where traditional analytics products use data that already exists or is collected from users on the Internet, the IoT gathers data from the real world and augments current available business data. Whereas online user data is given and collected passively, these firms and other canny startups can proactively collect data of their choosing. Covering 99% of the population, the Machine Network is ready to take this high-tech hub to new heights.