RPMA Connected Roadway Lighting Saves Lives on the Roads

Cities are under conflicting pressures (aren’t we all). They want to provide lighting to help reduce traffic accidents and save lives. A 2006 study in England showed that lighting reduces night time fatalities by 65% on motorways, 32% on built up roads, and 37% on non-built up roads. Another study in Japan showed that a 43% reduction in nighttime accidents is achieved through proper street lighting. These kinds of safety gains are meaningful and important. Cities help protect their citizens in many ways, and lighting is one of them. But they also want to reduce waste and CO2 emissions. With RPMA connected roadway lighting, cities can have both safety and reduce costs. The beauty of constraints is that they compel us to find the higher way, and RPMA enables that higher way. With RPMA being a smart city means more than just connected infrastructure and improved services. With RPMA, being a smart city means getting more and paying less.

That’s exactly what the Island of Aruba has done with RPMA connected LED Roadway Lighting. They have experienced a 63% in energy savings while still providing the safety benefits of street lighting. RPMA gives cities another two-for-one. RPMA connected roadway lighting allows for control and optimization. With the automation that RPMA enables street lights are on when they are needed, and not when they aren’t. RPMA also allows for much reduced maintenance costs as outages are automatically reported removing the need for costly inspections. Outage times are also reduced because delays in reporting are reduce, another two-for-one! The remote control allowed by RPMA gives cities the data and control they need to intelligently operate their lights so that even less energy is used while maintaining safe conditions for their citizens.

Download our Smart City Case Study to learn more about how your city or ogranization can get smart now.