LPWA is the Wireless Tech of Choice for Affordable Long-term Device Connectivity

Once we see a simple use case for the IoT and a business case showing how it can achieve the efficiencies it is touted to, then we can commit to the vision. Once we understand how the IoT can achieve the efficiencies it is touted to, then we can commit to the vision. We walked through a simple example of how a car with simple sensors installed and then wirelessly connected to analytics software could allow for planned expenditures. This reduces cash flow issues and allows for lower asset costs. Condition based maintenance doesn’t only apply to personal vehicles, but to all sorts of fleet vehicles and goes beyond vehicles to machines in factories and shops. And through this use case alone we see the vast efficiencies gained from simple sensors collecting data that could be used for predictive maintenance and alerts. LPWA is the wireless tech of choice because it can uniquely enable these efficiencies.

LPWA has long-lasting battery life, wider and deeper coverage areas, and lower module costs than traditional wireless services like cellular and mesh

LPWA uniquely allows these savings because it, by definition, has long-lasting battery life, wider and deeper coverage areas, and lower module costs than traditional wireless services like cellular and mesh. With cellular standards bodies beginning to develop their own cellular LPWA they have effectively declared that LPWA truly is the wireless technology suited for the IoT. Press and analysts agree that LPWA is the wireless tech of choice for enabling the majority of IoT applications. What is for certain is that LPWA is here to stay and will command a large part of the IoT’s wireless provider market share. The next step is to take a look at each of the technologies and determine which can viably support and grow with the IoT. RPMA is the only LPWA technology that can viably connect the IoT as it is envisioned. In our next posts we’ll discuss what the ‘L’ in LPWA really stands for, and how that really determines the long-term viability of the IoT.

Attend our webinar, How RPMA Works, to find out more about how Ingenu’s LPWA wireless technology, RPMA, uniquely meets the IoT’s connectivity needs.