Precision Agriculture

RPMA brings you the future of farming today.
One of oldest industries in the history of the world happens to be one of the first adopters of new technological innovation. In order for agriculture to prosper, it has been forced to find ways to create efficiencies in a variety of general practices and processes. Greater efficiencies mean higher yields per resource input whether for arable land farming, fish farming, forestry, or livestock. Wireless technologies have allowed the development of precision agriculture – whereby managers are able to monitor, measure, and respond to growing conditions and patterns based on real-time data.  This evolution in farming has been referred to as precision agriculture or smart farming, and Ingenu happens to play a critical role in its successful deployment.

RPMA provides the ultimate technology for connecting devices aimed at supporting precision agriculture practices. Historically hindered by the cost limitations of satellite and coverage limitations of cellular and short-range wireless technologies, the connected farmer has either had a difficult time connecting to the needed data, or justifying the costs associated with implementing a precision agriculture solution.

Connecting the Previously Un-connectable

One of the primary challenges in deploying precision agriculture solutions has been due to lack of coverage.  Cellular technologies, while effective for human communication, have been designed and built with people in mind. This leaves vast stretches of the country without any coverage. In fact, only 70% of the land area of the United States is actually covered by cellular. Farmers have faced this frustration for years. RPMA, purpose-built for machines, is designed to propagate deeper and wider than existing technologies, allowing coverage to reach machines, even if there isn’t another human in sight.

Turning Data into Food

In the ultra-competitive agricultural industry, access to relevant data can be the difference between a bumper crop and no crop. If a farmer has not yet started to investigate and invest in precision agriculture practices, he/she is likely competing against many that have already implemented its practices. A recent survey suggests that 60% of farmers use some array of precision agriculture data. Data analytics are estimated to increase crop yields by roughly 13%, while reducing input costs by 15%. In a market landscape that relies on margin efficiency, it is critical to deploy the right precision agriculture solution, with the right technology partner.

Harvesting a Return on Investment

For growers, business managers, suppliers, and the many diverse stakeholders in agriculture, all are looking for a positive return on an investment. RPMA offers the most robust connectivity solution. From rock-solid security, to long-term network guarantees, to remote coverage, RPMA provides the ultimate coverage option for precision agriculture.

Find out how RPMA works